Seven Unhealthy Foods To Avoid Eating

Today I want to share with you those unhealthy foods to avoid eating. Before I had my coronary bypass surgery, I didn't bother much about what I consumed. I gorged on all kinds of unhealthy, high-cholesterol, fat-laden processed food. Soda, instant noodles, fries, etc.

unhealthy foods to avoidThese day, I don't buy any processed and packaged food from the supermarket. I only purchase real food. Fresh produce from the local farmers' market. The only meat I consume are fresh fish and skinless chicken meat. They say it is fine to eat everything in moderation. But there are foods which I don't put into my body anymore. I choose to live a happy and healthy life. Here are seven unhealthy food which I avoid them like plague.

1. The So-called "Low Fat Foods"

Be it cookies, salad dressings, cheese, and other processed foods labeled as low-fat. From what I read, these "low-fat" bland foods are substituted with sugar and salt to add flavor.

2. Sugar-Packed Soda
Do you know that a can of soda drinks contain about 7 to 10 teaspoons of sugar? It is reported that by drinking two soft drinks a week can double a person’s risk of getting pancreatic cancer. Of course you should know that these sugar-laden drinks with caffeine and artificial coloring can lead you to overweight, cardiovascular disease, tooth decay and diabetes. Say no to this "liquid candy".

3.Processed Meat

If possible, one should avoid eating processed meat which is preserved by smoking, curing, or salting. They contain lots of chemical preservatives, salt, fat, and cholesterol. As you know all these bad ingredients can cause hypertension, obesity, heart disease, and colon cancer.

4. Unhealthy Doughnuts
I have stopped eating sweet high-calorie glazed doughnuts long time ago. They are filled with trans fat, sugar, hydrogenated oil, artificial flavors and refined flour.

5. Frozen Meals
This is another processed food which is very popular with many of us. These frozen meals are overloaded with calories. Some of these so-called diet version frozen foods are in fact very high in sodium.

6. Potato Chips And French Fries

Yes, I know they are yummy, but they are deadly too. These snack foods when they are baked or fried in high temperature, they contain acrylamide and neurotoxin. According to research, people who are exposed to hig levels of acrylamide, can get nerve damage. Exposure to neurotoxin can cause dizziness, seizure or strokes. Then of course these junk foods are very high in trans fat.

7. Canned Soup
Take your time to make your own soup, rather than consuming canned soups which you get them from your neighborhood grocery store. These processed canned soups are high in trans fats, sodium and artificial preservatives (MSG).

Six Health Symptoms You Should Watch Out To Stay Alive

As I grow older, I beginning to experience more and more new pain, discomfort and irritation. All these health symptoms could be indications of some kind of sickness or disease hidden somewhere in your body.

As the saying goes, it is better to be safe than sorry. Never mistook a splitting headache, it could be the first sign of a brain cancer. We should always consult a doctor at the first hint of these symptoms. From what I read, here are six health symptoms we should never ignore:

1. Severe Back Pain
It could be a tear in the inner wall of the large blood vessel aorta. When blood rushes through the tear, into the middle layer of the aorta, it causes the inner and middle layers to separate or dissect. As a result, you could feel back pain which runs down the back. Or it could be osteoarthritis or pneumonia too.

2. Weakness, Numbness & Slurring
It could be an impending stroke. The signs are sudden weakness or numbness in half the face or on one side of the body, slurred speech, double vision or combination of all of them.

3. Chest Pain
It could be blocked coronary arteries or a heart disease and a possible heart attack. I know this sign because I already had a coronary bypass surgery. When you feel a squeezing or tightness pain in the middle or lefty side of your chest and radiates to your left side of the neck, arm or jaw. This is telling you that you have a blocked coronary arteries. As for a possible heart attack, you feel the way as just mentioned, plus shortness of breath, cold clammy perspiration and dizziness.

4. Spit With Blood
Coughing out blood is because there is bleeding in your respiratory tract. It can come from your pharynx, larynx or lungs. Chances you could be suffering from tuberculosis (TB), pneumonia, bronchitis or tumors. Other than respiratory problems, it could be bleeding disorders, heart failure, leaking aortic aneurysm and pulmonary hypertension.

5. Stool or Vomit With Blood
It could be bleeding from the oesophagus, stomach or the early part of the small intestine.

6. Wheezing
When you hear a wheezing sound when exhaling, you could be suffering from asthmatics. Other symptoms are coughing, shortness of breath, fast breathing, fatigue and chest tightness.

So always look out for these signs or health symptoms. They could save your life. [source:]

By the way, you can get your free ebook "Diagnosing Your Health Symptoms For Dummies" from It is a great guide book which covers over 100 health symptoms and emergencies and also on how to perform basic physical assessments and aid techniques.

How To Remove Age Spots And Liver Spots Treatment

At my age, I am starting to worry about about having those unsightly age spots on my face and on hands. I know these unwanted spots are not health hazard, but they make one look rather untidy. From what I have read, these brown age spots are difficult to get rid off.

 What are age spots?
An age spot also known as liver spot or sun spot is an area of pigmentation in the skin which said to occur with age and exposure to sunlight. They usually develop on the face, hands, shoulders or arms. They come in different colors; brown, black or gray.

What causes liver or age spots?
Some say the causes of age spots or liver spots could be hormonal changes due to medication (taking an oral contraceptive), pregnancy, menopause and even hereditary. The most common mentioned cause of having these ugly brown age spots is aging and prolonged exposure to harsh sunlight. We have this this thing known as ‘melanin pigment’ which protects our skin from UV rays from the sun. But as we grow older, our skin's ability to protect it from ultra-violet (UV) rays weaken, thus we start to develop age spots.

How to prevent age spots?
Since it is almost impossible for one to stay completely out of the sun, it is advisable to wear a proper clothing to cover your arms and wide brimmed hat to protect your face from sunlight. For skin areas around your eyes, you can protect it by wearing sunglasses. And not forgetting, to put on sunscreen when outdoor.

How to reduce age spots?
I am told that consuming healthy foods and drink a lot of water can help to reduce liver spots. So is taking a multivitamin that containing free-radical-fighting antioxidants like vitamin C and vitamin E.

How to remove or get rid of age spots?
For age spot treatment, you can try one of those over-the-counter product, home remedies for age spots or a visit to your dermatologist for a proper medical treatment.

Home remedies to remove age spots.
One popular home remedy which can help to fade age spots is the use of castor oil, aloe vera gel or lemon juice. Just gently rub it onto the affected skin areas in the morning and in the evening.

Another tip is the mixture of olive oil and vinegar. Apply this mixture on your spots an hour before you take your bath.

Here is a video which shows you a simple process to reduce the unsightly appearance of age spots on your skin with a skin lightening product.