Reduce Triglycerides To Prevent Heart-Related Problems

Some time ago I wrote about the level of triglycerides in your blood is an important indication of your health, especially your heart.

Today I read somewhere, in order to prevent triglycerides level from going up, do some light exercise after meals. Similarly as what I have mentioned in my past article, the researcher of Kyoto Prefectural University in Kyoto Japan, high triglyceride or fats in the blood level can put one at risk for cardiovascular disease, heart attack, and other heart-related conditions.

This Japanese researcher recommended that walking and light resistant training one hour after a fatty meal reduced the boost of triglycerides that normally occurs after consuming a high-fat meal.

So next time when you have your blood test, don't just concentrate on your cholesterol, but also look at your triglyceride level.

Less than 150 is Normal.
150 to 199 is Borderline-High.
200 to 499 is High.
500 or higher is Very High.

The causes of high triglycerides are usually caused by conditions, such as obesity, poorly controlled diabetes, kidney disease, regularly consuming more calories than you burn and also
drinking too much alcohol.

It is also said that some medicines may also cause to raise triglycerides, which include birth control pills, beta-blockers, steroids, estrogen, diuretics and tamoxifen.

Image courtesy of [anankkml] /

Fructose Causes Overeating And Obesity Problem

According to a study by scientists from Yale University in US, fructose or fruit sugar causes one to overeating.

Fructose Brain And Hunger
It was discovered with that after drinking fructose-laden drinks, parts of the brain associated with desire for food, motivation and reward processing were switched off or suppressed. In other words, the brain did not register the feelings of fullness or satisfied. That could lead one to overeat and obesity, as a result.

As fructose is sweeter and cheaper than glucose, food manufacturers are using more high-fructose corn syrup in the foods we eat. Fructose can be found in fruits, sugar and even water.

For those of you who want to prevent one from overeating which could lead to weight problem, it is best reduce the intake of sugar, or if possible stay clear of sugar-sweetened sodas and drinks.

My personal view is eat with moderation and avoid eating unhealthy foods.

Image courtesy of Michelle Meiklejohn /