Meditation For Health And Happiness

Today, I would like to share with you on achieving health and happiness with the help of meditation. Before I picked up meditation some years ago, I always thought it is some kind of supernatural stuff, where one sits still and loses consciousness. Well, actually, meditation is a process where we take our attention and focus it inside the mind.

With our daily hectic pace and demands of modern life, many of us are feeling physically stressed out and mentally drained. We keep hearing folks complaining that there is just not enough time in the day to get everything done. All these stress and fatigue drive many of us unhappy, impatient and lost. Definitely all these stress and strain put a toll on our health too.

When I pick up meditation, I find that I have more time for yourself. You see, meditation calm your mind and you are more focused. When you are mentally tranquil, you are relaxed and you are in more control. You can get more things done. Just do a simple ten-minute breathing meditation and it can help you to overcome your daily stress and find some inner peace and balance in your life.

Do you know that meditation can help you to understand our own mind better. You learn how to transform our mind from negative to positive, or from confused to peaceful and also from unhappy to truly happy.

The aim of meditation is to make our mind calm and at peace. Once you are able to bring your mind to be peaceful, then you will be freed from worries and other mental distress. Only then you are able to achieve true happiness. Once you master the art of meditation, you would be able to bring your mind gradually to be more peaceful, and you will experience pure bliss.

Basically we all find it difficult to control our mind. If things go well, we are happy, but if they go otherwise, we become sad and disappointed. The thing is once we can have what we want, we hold on to them tightly. For instance owning a new car, finding a life partner, or getting a new highly paid job. But the fact is we cannot have everything we want forever, we will inevitably be separated from them. And this mental attachment, can only cause us pain. Once we do not get what we want, or if we lose something that we like, we become disappointed and angry.

We suffer from this mental attachment is because we are too closely involved in the external situation. With meditation, we can create an inner space and clarity that enables us to control our mind regardless of the external circumstances. We have developed this mental equilibrium, a balanced mind that is happy all the time, rather than an unbalanced mind that agitates between "having and "losing".

Once you have mastered the art of meditation, eventually you will be able to remove all those delusions from your mind, which are the causes of all your problems and suffering. Yes, with meditation, you can experience a permanent inner peace, known as “liberation” or “nirvana”.

After some practice, you can remain happy all the time, even in the most difficult situations. And ultimately a healthy life too.