3 Ways How To De-Stress Yourself Quickly

Want to know how to de-stress yourself quickly? Life is no bed of roses all the time. And we can't control everything from happening to us. The only thing is how we react or respond to all those stressful situations which we face daily.

As they say, it is the survival of the fittest. But the fittest are rarely the strong ones. The fittest are those who know how to adapt, and the ability to accept the inevitable. So, learn how to deal or respond to stress of daily life.

how to de-stress yourself quickly tipsHere are three simple and smart ways how to de-stress yourself quickly.

1. Breathe Consciously
Next thing when you are burdened with stress, take a break to breath consciously. It is similar to meditation. You can close your eyes if you want to. The key thing is you breathe in through your nose slowly and deeply and then exhale through your mouth.

Another important thing is you need to consciously notice your breathing by placing your hand on your stomach. When you do that, you take your mind away from all the stress. Simple, but effective.

2. Daydream

This is my favorite way to overcome stress. Daydreaming. Take a few moments and drift away into your fantasy land. You can picture yourself strolling in the shady woods surrounded with colorful flowers, bubbling brooks and cheerful chirping of birds. I am sure you have heard the health benefits of nature. Or any of your favorite daydream. Imagination is your the limit. Let your daydream run wild and loose. When you daydream, you unconsciously steal your mind and thoughts away from all those stress.

3. Relax Your Body Muscles
This is how to de-stress your body. When you are stressed out, your body is tight or tense. So what you do is you purposely tense your muscles further and then slowly relax them. For instance, you can curl in your toes tightly for a few seconds, and then release them., clench your tired fingers tightly, and slowly stretch them out. Or clench your teeth and shut your eyes tightly for a moment and slowly open your eyes. All these simple exercises can do you real good. Try them today.

Image: Michal Marcol / FreeDigitalPhotos.net