Again and again we are told, if we consume mostly fatty foods and foods high in bad cholesterol aka low density lipoprotein (LDL) and saturated fats, there’s a great chance for us to develop chronic heart diseases when you reach your middle years.
But then we also have heard about the so-called The Cholesterol Myths; which says that there is no strong evidence that too much animal fat and cholesterol in the diet promotes atherosclerosis or heart attacks.
Recently, I read that according to a study which appeared in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, suggests that having a parent with a history of heart disease doubles a person chance of getting heart disease as well. It reveals that the risk is the same whether it was from the father or mother who had the heart attack before the age of 50 years old.
If you are one of those unfortunate folks (myself as well), sad to say that, even if you try to live a healthier lifestyle, is still no guarantee to protect you from having the same deadly disease as your parents. Some may even argue that it doesn't really matter about those unhealthy foods like canned soda, sweet glazed doughnuts, fried processed food, etc which we are told to avoid at all cost.
One of my friends Roselin (in her 50s) who also has family history of dying of heart attacks, told me to enjoy every sandwich, savor life in the present moment and not to be too worried over having age spots or liver spots, as one might not even have the chance of seeing them.
Just live your life to the max and enjoy yourself today while you still can. Anyway, check out my selection of life is beautiful quotes and you know what I mean.
Just live your life to the max and enjoy yourself today while you still can. Anyway, check out my selection of life is beautiful quotes and you know what I mean.