What does optimism mean? Hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something. In other words, tending to take a hopeful and positive view of future outcomes. If you are an optimist, you tend to look at the brighter side of life and happier outlooks on life. You have a greater chance to achieve more in life and enjoy life to the fullest.
Optimism And Health Benefits
According to a study by the University of Pennsylvania's Martin Seligman, Ph.D., and Gregory Buchanan, Ph.D., folks who learn to maintain an optimistic attitude, not only can they avoid depression, but their physical health improve as well.
Optimists Live Longer
It is proven that optimists not only potentially be happier, they could also have a healthier heart and immune system. They live longer and healthier. These positive people less likely to have high blood pressure, diabetes or even take up smoking.

If you want to find out more about optimism, then you should get Martin Seligman's best seller "Learned Optimism: How To Change Your Mind And Your Life". Learning optimism is about you consciously challenging any negative self talk.
In the meantime, read through these quotes about optimism and life. Hopefully these optimistic quotes can lead you to walk on the sunny side of life.
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” - Winston Churchill
“The optimist sees the rose and not its thorns; the pessimist stares at the thorns, oblivious to the rose” - Kahlil Gibran
"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." - Albert Einstein
“Teaching is the greatest act of optimism” - Colleen Wilcox
"Optimism is the foundation of courage." - Nicholas Murray Butler
"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I try to avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward." - Charlotte Bronte
"If I keep a green bough in my heart, the singing bird will come." - Chinese Proverb
“I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” - Jimmy Dean
“If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.” - Peace Pilgrim
“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” - Helen Keller
"The world of achievement has always belonged to the optimist." - J. Harold Wilkins
“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” - Maria Robinson
"If the sky falls we shall catch larks." - American Proverb
“Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile. A word of optimism and hope. And you can do it when things are tough.” - Richard M. DeVos
"Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you." - Jan Goldstein
“What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise” - Oscar Wilde
"While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us." - Benjamin Franklin
"If you can imagine it you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it." - William Arthur Ward
“I'm a pessimist because of intelligence, but an optimist because of will” - Antonio Gramsci
"Always look at what you have left. Never look at what you have lost." - Robert H. Schuller
"It's not that optimism solves all of life's problems; it is just that it can sometimes make the difference between coping and collapsing." - Lucy Macdonald
"Optimism is the one quality more associated with success and happiness than any other." - Brian Tracy
"Optimism. The doctrine or belief that everything is beautiful, including what is ugly." - Ambrose Beirce
"People are not disturbed by things, but by the view they take of them." - Epictetus
"We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your words.
Keep your words positive, because your words become your behavior.
Keep your behavior positive, because your behavior become your habits.
Keep your habits positive, because your habits become your values.
Keep your values positive, because your values become your destiny." - Mahatma Gandhi
In the meantime, read through these quotes about optimism and life. Hopefully these optimistic quotes can lead you to walk on the sunny side of life.
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” - Winston Churchill
“The optimist sees the rose and not its thorns; the pessimist stares at the thorns, oblivious to the rose” - Kahlil Gibran
"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." - Albert Einstein
“Teaching is the greatest act of optimism” - Colleen Wilcox
"Optimism is the foundation of courage." - Nicholas Murray Butler
"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I try to avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward." - Charlotte Bronte
"If I keep a green bough in my heart, the singing bird will come." - Chinese Proverb
“I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” - Jimmy Dean
“If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.” - Peace Pilgrim
“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” - Helen Keller
"The world of achievement has always belonged to the optimist." - J. Harold Wilkins
“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” - Maria Robinson
"If the sky falls we shall catch larks." - American Proverb
“Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile. A word of optimism and hope. And you can do it when things are tough.” - Richard M. DeVos
"Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you." - Jan Goldstein
“What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise” - Oscar Wilde
"While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us." - Benjamin Franklin
"If you can imagine it you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it." - William Arthur Ward
“I'm a pessimist because of intelligence, but an optimist because of will” - Antonio Gramsci
"Always look at what you have left. Never look at what you have lost." - Robert H. Schuller
"It's not that optimism solves all of life's problems; it is just that it can sometimes make the difference between coping and collapsing." - Lucy Macdonald
"Optimism is the one quality more associated with success and happiness than any other." - Brian Tracy
"Optimism. The doctrine or belief that everything is beautiful, including what is ugly." - Ambrose Beirce
"People are not disturbed by things, but by the view they take of them." - Epictetus
"We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your words.
Keep your words positive, because your words become your behavior.
Keep your behavior positive, because your behavior become your habits.
Keep your habits positive, because your habits become your values.
Keep your values positive, because your values become your destiny." - Mahatma Gandhi