Have you read about Dr. sears 12-minute workout called PACE?
PACE stands for “Progressively Accelerating Cardiopulmonary Exertion”. This exercise techniques is not about doing long period of workout to exert yourself. According to Dr. Sears that those long boring cardio exercises can decrease your lung capacity and downsize the reserve capacity of your heart.
PACE stands for “Progressively Accelerating Cardiopulmonary Exertion”. This exercise techniques is not about doing long period of workout to exert yourself. According to Dr. Sears that those long boring cardio exercises can decrease your lung capacity and downsize the reserve capacity of your heart.
The key of 12-Minute PACE is by making incremental increases in the intensity of your exercise, you will continue to change your body through time.No more long tiresome workouts.
Some say it is similar to high-intensity interval training (HIIT), which is based on the Tabata Method.
PACE is an easy-to-follow exercise plan said to boost your lung power, build heart strength, and burn fat even while resting. And the best part, you just need to do only 12 minutes a day.
Interestingly, this simple exercise program, you find that the duration of each exertion period decreases.
All these methods are about short burst of high-intensity workout and then you take a short period of rest in-between.
For the exercise, you can choose any of your favorite activity that can give exertion to your heart. It can be running on a treadmill, elliptical machine, staionary bike, rope jumping, trampoline even walking up and down the stairs or brisk walking.
For those of you who have a heart problem, it is strongly advisable you should check with your personal physician before doing any of these exercises.
Personally, I am not too sure whether PACE, Tabata Training or other HIIT training methods really work. It is advisable to find out more from various sources or even your doctor, before you do more harm to your body.